

In future, we dunno what's gonna happen wif us. And from now on, we shud prepare fer it. Whether we became a succeed person, a loser one, or died person. 


karenontheshore said...

klu aku kan, kdng2 bila think bout wat will happen to me ni da future, aku lemas sesak n beban.. then aku realise apa yg penting adalh buat yg terbaik n hanya fokuskan pada masa sekarang.. benda yg akan datang let it come naturally.

Samad said...

hihi. betui gak spit, kekadang tetibe berat nanang gak pk pasal future2 neh. serabut jadinye

Alia Hassan said...

go with the flow jeh kawan.. GOOD LUCK! hidup mmg kne struggle.. :)

Samad said...

ye baeklahh ;)